Saturday, November 5, 2011

Back to the Feet

So the foot party went well. I was only there for 2 hours and I made a decent amount of money. This is partly, I think, because I was missed. The few regulars I have threw money at me to see me again. I still can't fathom the fact that I GET PAID TO GET MY FEET RUBBED.

And it was good this time. All foot guys, not a single dude secretly there for a blowjob. At least the guys I spoke with. And i got a $50 tip for having awesome feet!

Part of me is interested in my response to foot stimulation in a sexual setting. While I admit that the massages feel good, they don't really work for me in a sexual way. But at the same time, I can understand how it might. I generally don't give too much credence to new age practices but I am beginning to think there is something to reflexology: when certain parts of my feet are touched or caressed I can feel it on different parts of the body. ONE of them has to affect my ladybits.

On the otherhand, what if I do find that  I like it? I think the reason I am so comfortable with the foot fetish work is that to me it is decidedly non-sexual. Maybe it is best to not mess with that...

Oh well, you know what, I shouldn't say there were no creeps. There was one guy there - halitosis man. He was happy to see me again and to tell me that he spent all this time jacking off to me. Gee, thanks. And then he tells me he is going to try to set up a private session for he and I because he really REALLY wants to watch porn with me.

And then he stuck his tongue down my throat before I could dodge him. But he was just a 5 minute blip on a pretty normal (you know, for a fetish club) night.


  1. I think it'd be weirder if you actually found having your feet touched sexual. Then it'd be more personal and intimate and waaay more awkward to do with strangers. Also ew, halitosis kisses >.<

  2. The poor college girlNovember 8, 2011 at 10:06 AM

    ^I agree!

    Though I wish I could make money off man loving my feet....hmmmm I do need to pay student loans.

  3. As a foot fetishist myself, I have measured adequate sexual responses especially with instances of toe sucking more than anything else. I have no earthly idea how it actually works, or how it stimulates what through what, but it works. At least so far it worked, so either I'm doing something right, or my chosen partners are susceptible to what I'm doing.
