Thursday, September 30, 2010

What's in a name?

 me: The Crafty Hooker is totally already a crochet blog
Big Red taken?
               it was such a good pun too
               the crafty concubine?
               crafty courtesan?
me:  hmmm
Big Red painting with prostitutes
               sewing for sluts!
Big Red im full of alliteration
 me:  i just laughed so hard i farted
        no joke
Big Red: LOL
              hahahaha im dying
 me:  hahahaha
        this conversation? totally the first post in the blog
Big Red:  it would be an excellent start
me:  ok so acraftyhooker is free
Big Red: in the future I could write the foreward to your book and include it
              ah, perfect
 me:  you think?
        or should we look for something that i can be a "the"
Big Red:  what about no article at all?
me:  also taken
Big Red:  hm
me:  there is also hookercraft
        like hovercraft
Big Red:  that's taken?
me:  no its not
        i'm saying its an option
Big Red:  i like that one
 me:  eh, i guess A Crafty Hooker is good
Big Red: sluts&crafts
me:  oooohhh
        thats good too
Big Red:  that would lend to a good logo in the future
me:  yeah, i think that might be the winner
              i get 10% of your future profits!

The whole conversation went downhill from there. But the point, dear reader, is that this blog is born. And you get to follow along the whole strange journey. At least until I get a job and don't have to do this nonsense anymore.