Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fucking up left and right

So I slept through an audition to be a gogo dancer today. I'm not sure how I feel about that. On the one hand, the coordinator didn't email me back to tell me I had an audition till after I went to bed last night and I didn't check my email first thing this morning so I didn't know about it. But still it could have been a good gig. I do love dancing.

Especially because it took all my strength and will power not to punch my manager out at "real job" this week and quit in a blaze of glory. I need to get out of that place... its slowly sucking the soul from my body. When I do the sex work stuff, I know going in what to expect. I might not always know exactly what will happen (I'm looking at you, hair pulling photog) but I know that at the end of the night it will have been crazy and I will shower and feel better and move on. But, with "real job" I want to be using my degree and my brain. When I first started it was awesome, but now my job has slowly morphed into stock girl and instead of using my training, I'm cleaning the glass trinkets with Windex and filling backstock and not having time to do the parts of my job I was hired to do. And of course I get blamed when things die because I'm not doing a good enough job keeping them alive.

Which I can't because I'm too busy filing or filling out paperwork or other stupid things that don't result in death of an organism if they don't get done OMG RIGHT THIS SECOND.

In crafty news, I was surprised by my old boss who saw my plea on facebook for a serger and told me I could have hers on a long term loan. Threading the thing took forever, but now I've gotten the hang out it and I'm able to fine tune a lot of the things I've made in the past. From here on out, I will be using it to finish the seams on the clothes I make and I think (hope) that this little extra level of professionalism will lend itself to a few more bucks per garment on Etsy.

But even that isn't going that great for me right now: I have 7 halloween type costumes listed and not one has sold... seeing as though it's already halfway through the month if they don't go quick, they won't go and then I'll have them cluttering up my life for another year.

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